Monday, September 28, 2009

This is not how Jon and I planned to spend our day, but I guess no one plans to go to the Emergency Room. Jon noticed some ants climbing in around the window above his bathtub, so he got some caulk to seal up the seam. But then he decided to see what the damage was, and pulled off the window sill. Apparently the caulk had been cracked for a while, because the wood was wet and moldy and there were thousands of ants. He had been considering remodeling the bathroom, and this was just the incentive he needed. He kept pulling down panels from the tub walls and I went to Lowes to get some gloves, masks, and trash bags.

When I got back to the house it was empty. Jon and his roommate were gone, and his roommate's TV was still on. The bathroom floor was covered in glass. I didn't see any blood, but I guessed what happened. There had been a mirror on the ceiling above the bathtub (why would anyone do that?), and it was now in shards on the floor. I started to call Jon, and just then his roommate came in to tell me he was at the hospital.

Jon filleted his left arm with the mirror. Luckily it was only a flesh wound though, not damaging any muscles or tendons or ligaments or arteries. He had to get 14 subcutaneous stitches, and 17 external ones, for 31 stitches total. It was pretty gross. You could see his bicep muscle, and all of the fat and tissue around it. Its very painful for him too. I'm glad he's ok.

When I got there one of the ER nurses recognized me from a previous trip to the ER. Thats pretty bad when ER nurses recognize you.

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