Today I made my victorious return to the racing scene! I did my first race after having shoulder surgery last year. It was the St Patrick's Day 5k, which was on March 14, which is pi, and also Karyn's birthday. A bunch of us ran the race. Karyn ran slow with me and took pictures of all of the crazy people (which may have included us).
My time was 41:16, which is my worst 5k ever (not counting the 5k at the end of the tri, which really doesn't count). I did very little walking, and my shins hurt, but not as bad as on Thursday. I did a warm up, and stopped to stretch a few times during the race. Its not like I've ever been fast anyway, I think my best 5k time is around 36 minutes. There was one guy dressed as a leprechaun that I think did the Buffalo Boogie last year, and passed me then. I finished before him today, so that makes me feel better.
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